Clunes Museum

36 Fraser Street, ClunesOPENING HOURS
Weekday openings are 10 am to 5 pm, and closed on Tuesdays Saturday and Sunday: 10 am - 1 pm. *Note: please contact us before arrival on Sundays, as the opening of the Museum is subject to volunteer availability.CONTACT
Entry fee is a gold coin donation
The Clunes Museum is situated in Fraser Street, Clunes and is part of the "Warehouse Complex" which comprises of Visitor Information Centre, Library, Meeting Rooms, and Gallery. The Museum is in the historic former Nicol and Wallace warehouse and houses a collection of objects from indigenous artefacts, taxidermy specimens to agricultural,industrial and wartime collections and only collects from Clunes and district. The family research department has a vast collection of historical information and will assist with family research and student projects.